Photos are in Danger: Highlight 3

“Free” Services

There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

We’ve entered a new era in commerce, one that’s changed everyday life dramatically. Companies everywhere are rushing west to the Silicon Valley—a sequel to the Gold Rush is underway. But instead of panning for gold and silver, these organizations are cashing in on a new precious material: you. And yes, we’re talking about the biggest names, like Google and Yahoo.

Here’s the truth: if a company offers you an elaborate product for “free,” realize it will be making its money in some other way. Most likely, this ‘other way’ is the sale of your personal information to third-party advertisers. It is common practice among companies who conduct business principally online.

Remember: if you’re not paying for a product, you are the product. Did you really consent to this?

target ads

The more companies know about you, the easier they can target ads and other messaging to you specifically.

You could easily lose your data.

Some “free” providers even take ownership of your photos, nullifying your rights to your own digital property. To make matters worse, they don’t guarantee permanence, and claim no responsibility for ensuring that your photos will be there for you in the future.

It sounds outrageous, but sometimes companies shut down or change direction without warning—never offering their customers a chance to preserve their content. Don’t allow this to happen to you and your memories. Be discerning about which companies you trust with your photos.

Stay tuned for Highlight 4!